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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of Mizzentop Day School is responsible for the school and for the welfare of students, faculty, and staff. The Board plans, develops, and establishes policy and regularly assesses the performances of the school.

With the guidance of the Head of School, the Board establishes the school’s mission, develops the strategic plan, and formulates general policies. It monitors and supports the administration’s progress in implementing the plan and policies.

The Board is responsible for the school’s financial condition and physical plant. It approves the annual operating and capital budgets, receives an annual review of the school’s financial operations and assets, monitors its financial management, and ensures that the physical plant is adequate for the school’s programs. The Board bears primary responsibility for the school’s financial stability and for fundraising.

Carolyn Catalano, Chair
Shep Gerrish, Vice Chair
Charlie Daniels III, Chair Emeritus
Mark Yates, Secretary

Mizzentop Day School logo
George Apap
Brian Briggs
JP Burlington         
Adam Frank
Katy Fritts                 
Sheri Harrison
Paul Imbimbo
John Law
Jeff Motta
Leo White

Charlie Daniels III, Chair Emeritus

John Law, Treasurer
Madelyn '24

Mark Yates, Secretary
Ava Mae '20, Emily '22

George Apap, Trustee
Daniel '20, Della '25 

Brian Briggs, Trustee
Kyra '18, Nolan '22

JP Burlington, Trustee
Joseph '25, Meredith '27

William DeBonis, Trustee
Stefania '23

Katy Fritts, Trustee
Annie '26, Graham '29

Paul Imbimbo, Trustee
Thomas '23

Jeff Motta, Trustee

Dr. Sheri Harrison, Trustee
Adam, Caleb '25
Andy, '31

Board of Trustees retreat September 22nd 2022